It's my birthday today and I'm conducting a Twitter experiment. I sent the following 2 tweets, followed by @celebritynames or @companynames accordingly. I'll post here the responses I get. It should be interesting. I sent the tweet with over 100 celebrity names and I'm not sure how many companies.
"Lets see if I can get any celebrities to wish me happy birthday..."
"Hmm....Wonder if I can get any companies to send me a b-day gift?"
Do I expect any replies from celebrities? Yeah. Especially the few that I 'converse' with on Twitter regularly. Do I expect replies from companies? Hmmm. Maybe a couple. Maybe I'll be surprised.
So far:
@Bryan_Duncan - "happy B day!! am I late..?" Bryan is the soul-man of Christian music. In the '70s he was with Sweet Comfort Band and then had a successful solo career. He's still making great music today. I knew he'd be one to respond. He's a really nice guy and very active in social media. I've met Bryan in person - great guy! (Kinda short though) Check him out
@derekwebb - "yeah, let me know if any celebrities respond. oh, and happy birthday." Derek is well known as a member of Caedmon's call and also has had great success as a solo artist.
@jarretlemaster - "Happy B day man. Have a good one! I don't really count as a celeb but I hope you have a great one:)" Jarret is an old friend of mine. He's done some great music and recently starred in the forthcoming film Turnaround Jake. ( and
@yoda - "Send you a message that is direct on the Twitter I prefer to do. Wishing you a birthday that is happy I am. Yessss." Do I really need to tell you who Yoda is?
@adlerdude - "Happy birthday michael! Hope it's a great 1 dude! Sorry for the direct message and not full tweet but I try not to clutter my twit/FB. Pce" Adler is a local (Birmingham, AL) radio phenom. He can be heard on The Rick & Bubba Show and also has his own show on WZZK.
@DuncanPhillips - "Happy Birthday!" Duncan is a long-time member of one of the greatest bands ever - The Newsboys!
@scribblepotemus - "RT @Michaeldx: Lets see if I can get any celebrities to wish me happy birthday/. Happy Birthday!" Dan is the lead vocalist for Jars Of Clay. He's also in The Hawk In Paris.
@michaelhsweet - "@Michaeldx - Happy Birthday Michael:-)" Michael is the lead singer for the legendary band Stryper and he also was the front man for the other legendary band, Boston for a few years. His solo career has been amazing as well. Michael and I have exchanged conversation on twitter several times, he's very active and a pleasure to follow.
@jonwaldenshow - "@Michaeldx Celebrity? Really? Not quite good sir. But I do wish you a Happy Birthday!!!" Jon's a local (Birmingham, AL) radio personality. I've enjoyed meeting him several times and working with him on the Foolish Things concert we did a few years ago.
@itsDeMarco - "@Michaeldx Hey bro... who u callin' a celebrity?!?! LOL. Enjoy the rest of ur b'day... I'm sure it's been awesome so far! #partytime" Don Juan Demarco Williams was a radio personality on the Rick & Bubba Show here in Birmingham for many years. He left to pursue other interests, but he's still a celebrity in my book. Have you ever heard him laugh??
@triciagoyer - "@Michaeldx happy birthday it's my birthday too" Tricia Goyer is a Christian author. She shares my birthday! Too cool.
@charliepeacock - "@Michaeldx @michaelhsweet @Bryan_Duncan @BarackObama @360FromTheEdge Any luck? I really though the Edge would comply?" I was first exposed to Charlie's music when he released Lie Down In The Grass in 1984 (I'm listening to this record as I type this) Charlie is nothing short of brilliant. He's done a TON of stuff, way too much to list here, so check out his website!
@Donald_Woods - "@Michaeldx Happy Birthday!" I learned about Donald because he is the brother of @ayieshawoods and, well, just click this: No. really. Click it.
@winterjamtour - "@Michaeldx @timtebow @turbine @tyburkum @usairforce @whitehouse happy birthday!" Winter Jam Tour is a way too cool tour of multiple Christian artists. They come around the country every year and rock. My friend also works for them :)
@tonynolanlive - "@Michaeldx happy B-day" Tony is a minister, author and speaker. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend going to see him.
@BennyHesterNow - "@Michaeldx I wish you a Happy Birthday too!" Benny Hester is perhaps best known for his song When God Ran. He's a great musician.
@SamLuminate - "@Michaeldx happy late birthday!!! :)" Sam's the lead vocalist for the band Luminate
@RichMullinsfilm: @Michaeldx happy late birthday
@lotro - "Happy Birthday! Check your DMs." and yes, they sent me something. :)
@UltimateEars "#HappyBirthday @Michaeldx we'll send you UE350vi earphones! DM us UR address"
@DynInc - "@Michaeldx Are you a user of Dyn? If so whats the username?"
@DynInc - "@Michaeldx From a Portsmouth NH Dyntini with love."
@DynInc - "@Michaeldx we're just getting started. Can you email me your mailing address?"
@DynInc - "@michaeldx Happy birthday from @Ryohara on the mean streets of Boston"
@goteerecords - "@Michaeldx possibly. DM us your address."
Other interesting responses:
@rgreenlaw - "Doh, why didn't I tell them about my birthday last month....anyway, hope you have a good one. "@jalingion - "@lotro @Michaeldx i should had thought of that 3 weeks ago lol ;p"
@lotrojol - "@lotro @Michaeldx Oh ! It's my unbirthday today !"
@pinoymmo - "@lotro @Michaeldx it's my fake birthday, can i have a fake gift? lol"
@musicgeekchic - "@Michaeldx I'm not a celebrity, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
@lilyluelotro -"RT (lotro): @michaeldx Happy Birthday! Check your DMs. #lotro"
@s_leeann - "@lotro @Michaeldx Happy Birthday! I should have tried this on Sunday :)"
@RebeccaLongwell - "@Michaeldx Happy Birthday! :)"
@BrokenPisces - "@Michaeldx I don't know you but happy birthday! And neat use of twitter on your bday! Hope you get lots of responses."
@anadanirepo - "@Michaeldx I'm not @michaelhsweet but I also wish you a happy and blessed birthday!"
@DavidMartinTX - "@michaelhsweet @Michaeldx //wow no pressure. :)"
@Letters4TheLord - "RT Michaeldx: @charliepeacock @Bryan_Duncan & @michaelhsweet replied.Expected them to,though.I 'converse' with them on twitter occasionally. Cool tweeps!"
Wow this turned out to be a really cool experiment! Got way more responses than I was expecting, and actually got some gifts from some companies. Several celebrities wished me a happy birthday too!
Some responses were really surprising. Dyn, Inc. employees made a couple of videos wishing me happy birthday ( and Apparently they are sending me something in the mail too! I don't know what, but whatever it is, it's cool that they'd go to the trouble and it's much appreciated!
Another big surprise was from Ultimate Ears. They're sending me a really cool pair of earphones!
Turbine, the makers of Lord Of The Rings Online gifted me 500 Turbine points.
Why would any company send me anything based on a simple Twitter post? After all if they do it for one person, shouldn't they be afraid that everyone will expect the same treatment? I can think of a few reasons:
- They have really cool employees
- They care about their customers (or potential customers) I've been a customer of Turbine since LOTRO beta and am a lifetime/founder subscriber.
- A smart company realizes that word-of-mouth is HUGE (and free!) advertising. A person that shares their opinion of a company's products or services goes a long way toward convincing others to use them. The companies above got multiple tweets from me today, and they know I'll be talking to others about this for a long time. I'll definitely be a loyal re-tweeter of these companies. My tweets generated retweets or responses from other people (see posts below). Plus, you're reading this, right?
- Treating customers (or potential customers) well ensures repeat or new business. I'm a customer using Dyn's free services, yet they're treating me like I've spent a ton of money with them. They can rest assured that when I need any of the other services that they provide, they have my patronage. They can also rest assured that I'll be recommending them to others when I hear of needs that Dyn can provide. The same goes for Ultimate Ears.
- They probably found my request to be unique and maybe a little bold.
- They're really nice people
- They care about their fans. After all, without fans they wouldn't be celebrities anyway!
- They get a little extra exposure
I got a ton of retweets and replies. I got at least 8 new followers. I got 1 Favorited tweet. It's been really fun to watch what happened with this. I may do it again next year!
UPDATE 8/8/12:
Absolute coolness came to my house today in the form of Ultimate Ears headphones. I've only had time to listen to 3 songs on them, but I can already tell these are easily the best earphones I've ever listened to. Wow. They're super comfortable too. The bass is sublime.
I was beginning to wonder if they'd show up or not. Maybe they forgot. Maybe their shipping department was sleeping. But I tweeted to them a couple days ago and suddenly the box appeared, overnight UPS. Thanks UE. You rock! (Literally)
Check these babies out:
UPDATE 7/26/12:
Dyn's birthday package arrived today. Check this out! They sent me a ton of stuff, and a birthday card. I don't know why Brent told me to "Get well soon" but I got great after opening this package! Lara wished me a 'Happy Burpday" - somehow she knows me too well. :) These people are too cool. What a great company!
- 2 t-shirts, one of which is sexy (see pic).
- 3 drink cozies
- 3 bottle can openers
- a bunch of stickers
- 2 sunglasses
- headphones
- a glowy necklace thingy
- 3 Free Music Sampler cards
- a personalized birthday card (aka burpday card)
UPDATE 7/23/12:
@goteerecords is the first company that actually delivered something (other than the game code that @lotro sent via DM). Check out what they sent me! Gotee Records Rocks!
- A Gotee Records bracelet
- A House Of Heroes bracelet
- A House Of Heroes CD
- A House Of Heroes pin
- An Abandon Kansas CD