Well, today's the big day.
Wal-Mart sucks.
I stopped by there on my way in to work this morning to get the new U2 CD, No Line On The Horizon. They didn't have it out yet. :(
I'll be going to Best Buy at lunch. Maybe they'll have it.
Once I've listened to it a bit, I will post something here!
Still haven't figured this one out. Will get back to you.
Have you heard their album yet? If so, what did you think?
Yeah, I got it at Best Buy later in the day after Wal-Mart disappointed me. I've listened to it a lot since, but as the above comment said, I haven't figured it out. I like it, but there are some things in it I just don't get. Like, for example, on Moment Of Surrender, it starts off with this kind of off-beat sorta percussiony thing that continues through the song, and doesn't really fit with the rest of the music. It's subdued, and you only notice it if you pay attention and I'm not sure I like it. I like the song itself, but that part of it has me bewildered.
I agree with you that many find it to be a bit perplexing and I did to on my first full listen. But I think it's a very introspective record and personally see it as their best work since Pop. The last 2 albums didn't do too much for me. By the way, with regard to Moment of Surrender, I read an interview with Larry and he said he used an electronic drum kit for that one and a few others. Also, its an album and I don't think it is made for picking and choosing what you like from it. It grows on you and gets under your skin, at least that's what it did for me.
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