Then Sugarland came on. I'm more familiar with their work because my wife likes them and they apparently get more radio airplay than Billy does.
Before this concert, I would have said that I liked a couple of their songs. Last night, though, I became a fan. There is only one word to describe their show. WOW!

They started the set with "Love" and DANG, DID THEY ROCK IT!! It was incredible! The rest of their set was fabulous, but that song was definitely the signature moment. The song is really catchy and the lyrics are thought provoking.
The video and special effects were absolutely top-notch. This easily ranked as the #3 best concert that I've ever seen (and I've seen a LOT of concerts). Number 1 being 1992 U2 Zoo TV/Outside Broadcast, and Number 2 being Michael W. Smith's I'll Lead You Home tour in 1995ish.
This was by far one of the best technical productions I've yet seen. They had this cool screen behind them that they had both live or pre-shot video and graphics. It was extremely well implemented and fit the songs very well.
Another cool thing they did is they have some special stuff custom for each venue, like a poster with the location, date and time on it that they signed, and they had some video of some sights around town that they showed during some songs.
They also did a medly of 80's songs that included a nice tribute to Michael Jackson, who passed away earlier in the day, with a little bit of "I wanna rock with you" in it.
It was an excellent concert and I encourage you to see it if the tour comes to your town!
Is it the face of a child
Is it the thrill of danger
Is it the kindness we see in the eyes of a stranger
Is it more than faith
Is it more than hope
Is it waiting for us at the end of our rope
I say, it's love
I say, it's love
Is it the one you call home
Is it the Holy Land
Is is standing right here holding your hand
Is it just like the movies
Is it rice and white lace
Is it the feeling I get when I wake to your face
I say, it's love
I say, it's love
I say, it's love
Is it the first summer storm
Is it the colors of fall
Is it having so little
And yet having it all
Is it one in a million
Is it a chance to belong
Is it standing right here singing this song
I say, it's love
I say, it's love
I say, it's love
Is it a veil or a cross
Is it the poet's gift
Is it the face that has launched over thousands of ships
Is it making you laugh
Is it making you laugh
Is it letting you cry
Is it where we believe that we go when we die
Is it how you were made
Is it your mother's ghost
Is it the wish that I'm wishing for your life, for your life, for your life the most
I definitely agree. I was at this concert and it was by far one of the best I have seen! Sugarland did an amazing job and I also enjoyed the first performace by Stephen Kellog and The Sixers.
We got there late and missed Stephen Kellog and The Sixers. I'm glad you enjoyed them!
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